System Integration & Machine Safety Solutions

Who We Are

Our expertise chiefly lies in electrical and mechanical process and control environments. With unrivaled experience, we assess, design and implement the safety solutions you need in your workplace. For us, it’s not enough to simply meet legislation; we go beyond in an effort to create the safest working environments possible.

System Integration

Automation & Process Applications
We offer a machine guarding and fencing system that is readily available
Robot Applications
Robotics have come a long way over the last 30 to 40 years, improving quality of Robotics and increasing applications reliably and more cost effective.
System Integrator
This forms a complete functional system that will improve work flow, productivity and lead to reduces cost.

Service Maintainance

Electrical Services
We have a team of Registered Electricians with extensive experience in
Mechanical Services
We offer a machine guarding and fencing system that is readily available
Project Installations
We offer labour to take care of your projects by handling the installation along with your key people
We offer labour requirements to perform your routine and planned maintenance requirements.

Machine Safety

Our safety steps allow us to systematically identify all foreseeable risks and hazardous situations.
Risk Assessment
Thorough risk assessment is the key to effective and economical safety hazard reduction.
Safety Design and Planning
Providing a detailed safe design plan is essential for eliminating risks and dangers around your machinery and equipment.
Safety Project Management
With any safety project we do, we can help guide you during the process and make sure things are on track and your goals are achieved.
Safety Validation
We test and analyse the solution, making sure all parts interact properly to perform the safety function without any unexpected occurrences.
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